Our Services
DBT is a modified type of CBT its main goals are to teach people how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate their emotions, and improve their relationships with others. It can help people who have difficulty with emotional triggers​​​
Lisa Redding and Carol Koehler are both Certified Professionals in DBT.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Applied Behavior Analysis and Cognitive Behavior Therapy is combined to provide a well-rounded treatment plan focusing on mental health and emotional dysregulation.
Our mission is to provide the best evidence-based practices that help nurture individuals and provide a safe place for them to achieve their full potential. We are person-centered and least restrictive environment for those with emotional and behavioral needs.
Our vision is to become the community's premier mental health provider for individuals across the lifespan where every person has the opportunity to feel supported, respected, and valued through their journey.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy aims to change patterns of unhelpful thinking that interferes with the individual’s thought process.
The point of cognitive therapy is to form a clear idea of your own thoughts, attitudes, and expectations. The goal is to reveal and change false and distressing beliefs because it is often not only the things and situations themselves that cause problems but the importance that we attach to them.
Such thought patterns can sometimes develop into self-fulfilling prophecies and make life difficult for the people affected. Cognitive therapy helps people learn to replace these thought patterns with more realistic and less harmful thoughts. It also helps people to think more clearly and to control their own thoughts better. The approach is thoughts, beliefs, and Actions.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Applied Behavior Analysis uses interventions that decrease unwanted behavior and increase socially appropriate behavior.
Applied Behavioral Analysis provides the best possible treatment techniques for individuals with various diagnoses. Autistic Spectrum Disorder and other intellectual developmental disabilities benefit from ABA. We use the methodological approach of Applied Behavioral Analysis to achieve our goal of producing the best clinical outcomes for our clients.
Our treatment plans are scientifically based and data-driven and will incorporate the latest technologies in order to ensure our clients receive the best possible individualized treatment.
Applied Behavior Analysis
Marital Challenges
Learning how to deal with conflict ensures a successful and healthy union. Fight for functional communication that leads to a successful union.
Conflict cannot always be avoided in relationships because no two people are exactly alike. Learning how to deal with conflict ensures a successful and healthy union. Relationship challenges arise in different ways, and being able to communicate with your partner is an integral part of a healthy relationship. Functional communication leads to a better understanding between you and your partner and understanding is the key to a successful union.
Lisa Redding and Carol Koehler are both trained and certified Level 1 in Gottman Method couples therapy, the world-renowned leading experts in relationships.
Parenting Challenges
Reduce behavior stressors and focus on a more collaborative approach to help bring harmony and balance to your home.
Different parenting styles can sometimes lead to stressors in the home as well as behavioral concerns among the children including a variety of conduct problems, such as failure to obey their parents, temper tantrums, lying, and fighting. We can help to reduce these behavior stressors and focus on a more collaborative approach to help bring harmony and balance to your home.
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress. For example, you might feel anxious when faced with a difficult problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision.
CBT and Anxiety
CBT uses techniques and teaches skills. We will work on changing thinking, mood, and behavior. The goals of CBT will help provide skills that clients can use on their own in a variety of different situations. We will empower the client to be in charge of anxiety. Our clients will learn that thoughts, actions, and feelings are interconnected and may be changed. Dysfunctional thinking underlies all emotion and behavior – common to all psychological disturbances.
Lisa Redding is a Certified CBT Anxiety Professional
Trauma is an experience we have that can happen anytime throughout a life span that results in emotional dysregulation and can impact current life. We take a comprehensive approach to accurately assess and effectively treat clients with chronic, repeated, and/or developmental trauma.
We are Certified Trauma Professionals Level II Practitioners
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
ACT is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes acceptance as a way to deal with negative thoughts, feelings, symptoms, or circumstances which leads to increased psychological flexibility including helping people to stop avoiding certain thoughts or emotions which can lead to further problems.
Carol Koehler is Certified in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
ADHD involves issues with virtually every executive function: planning, organization, working memory, cognitive flexibility, learning from consequences, reconstitution of information, forethought, and time management.
Lisa Nilon Redding is a certified ADHD Professional
Mood Disorders
Mood Disorders
Mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder, affect people emotionally. If you have depression, you may constantly feel sad. You also may be anxious. If you have bipolar disorder, you'll likely have extreme mood swings. Your feelings may range from being very sad, empty or cranky to being very happy — going back and forth between each mood. Mood disorders are divided into two major groups: depressive disorders and bipolar disorders. Each group includes several different types.
Depressive Disorders
Depressive disorders cause loss of pleasure in most or all activities and ultimately affect your quality of life. You could have less energy, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, changes in appetite and lack interest. You also could have feelings of worthlessness or guilt and be in pain and tired.
Types of depressive disorders include:
Major depression — typically lasts for at least two weeks and often longer than four weeks.
Seasonal affective disorder — occurs at certain times of the year, typically with a change of season.
Persistent depressive disorder — a long-term form of depression that causes feelings of sadness, emptiness and often hopelessness.
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder — a diagnosis used for children and teenagers. It features constant, serious and lasting testiness with frequent temper outbursts that are not consistent with the age of the child.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder — features mood changes, hopelessness and feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control. These symptoms occur in the 10 days before a menstrual period and go away within a few days after a period begins.
Depression related to a medical condition — features a great loss of pleasure in most or all activities due to the physical effects of another medical health problem.
Depression related to substance or medicine use — features depression symptoms that start during or soon after using a street drug or medicine, or after withdrawal from these substances.
Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar disorders feature mood swings that include emotional highs called manic or hypomanic episodes, and lows, called depressive episodes. These highs and lows are usually continuous. But they also can change from high to low or low to high — or shift into a normal mood. Sometimes both the highs and lows might occur together. This is called a mixed episode. You could be easily distracted and have racing thoughts. Your sleep could also be affected.
Types include:
Bipolar I disorder — features a constantly elevated mood that lasts for at least one week. This is called a manic episode. It affects your overall ability to function and makes it more likely that you'll take part in risky behavior.
Bipolar II disorder — features constantly elevated moods — called hypomanias — that last at least four days and less than one week. There may be risky behaviors, but usually hypomania does not greatly affect your ability to function. But other people should be able to notice that something is different about you.
Cyclothymia — features shifts from emotional highs to emotional lows that can affect your ability to function. The emotional ups and downs are not as extreme as those in bipolar I or II disorder.
Bipolar related to a medical condition — features symptoms that are the same as bipolar disorder, but they can be due to a medical condition. For example, Cushing's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke and traumatic brain injury can cause bipolar mania or hypomania.
Bipolar related to the use of certain substances — features symptoms that are the same as bipolar disorder, but they can be due to alcohol, street drugs or medicine.